Board Profile – Ollie Wright

Day job: Communications Officer
Expertise: I’m an author, trained journalist and public relations professional. I started the Derby County Blog in 2010 and have since self-published three books on the Rams – Tens & Nervous volumes 1 & 2 and the latest, Coming Home.
First Rams game: For years, I believed that my first game was a 4-2 win over Wolves at the Baseball Ground during the Centenary Season, but when I checked the records, I realised that there was no such fixture! The safest thing to say is, I was too young to be able to remember the match details, but it would have been at the BBG in the mid-eighties, with my Dad. I do vividly recall standing in one of the Normanton pubs, knee-high to all the adults and seeing clouds of cigarette smoke curling far above my head.
Another formative memory is being forced to leave a game against Sheffield Wednesday a couple of minutes early, hearing the away fans celebrate a goal as we hit the street, then getting to the car to hear Derby equalise as Dad tuned into Radio Derby and then, as we drove home, hearing the commentary of the Rams’ winner. Lesson learned…. And regardless of what’s happening on the pitch, I still find it very hard to leave before the final whistle to this day!
Favourite Rams match/memory: From a raw passion and emotion perspective, Derby 4 Leeds 2 at Elland Road in 2019 is going to take some beating.
Favourite Rams player: Igor Stimac
Joined RamsTrust Board: September 2023
Reason for joining the Board: I was motivated to join RamsTrust when Erik Alonso was named as a potential purchaser of the club and became actively involved during the administration saga. Going forward, I want to support the Trust to improve its communications with members and the wider public, which I believe is essential to promoting its short-term objectives and to securing its long-term future.